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Meet Our Resident Cats

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The King of the Jungle...Room.

I am a big boy with a classic

striped orange tabby coat

like Garfield.

I rule this domain with justice

and kindness and show my love

to all who visit this jungle!

I welcome all the new arrivals

with a meow and a headbutt

and show them the ropes.

I was a rescue from inner-city Cleveland.



 I’m a Tuxedo Domestic Long Hair.


I I am a very sweet lap cat who loves people.


I was adopted by MDCC when my owner dies od a drug overdose. 

If you offer me your lap, I will gladly curl up with you.  

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I am a Domestic Short Hair and

I’m always in the mood to play.


My favorite toy is the feather wand.


My sister and I were adopted by MDCC when we were kittens . We tested out all the features .when the cat cafe opened.

We love visitors and getting pets and treats.



I am a Domestic Long  Hair.

I was brought indoors by Peace Love and Paws rescue of Massillon. 


I had been in the Trap Neuter release program so my ear is clipped.  But I decided an life with humans would be better than the wild outdoors. 


I love to be petted 




I am a Domestic Short Hair.


Marbles and I are siblings and were adopted together by the café.

Marbles and I like to climb the trees and dangle off of the bridge so that visitors had to reach up to play with us.


I am quite shy, but I will introduce myself once I see that the other cats are having a fun time.


I love to play with the feather wand and catnip mice.

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Little Fluff

I am a mix breed.

Rescued from the streets.

Super long hair, and shor

Very quiet and watchful! 

Loves to be petted!



I am an American Curl.


My breed is characterized by our unusual ears, which curl back.


I am very sweet and love to be held and I will give you head bumps to show you how much I like you.


I can be talkative and bossy.

I might follow you around and demand to be petted.


Be careful not to pet my curly ears because they are sensitive and more vulnerable to being hurt than other cats.



I am a Siamese-Burmese.

My breed has a unique body shape, coat and eye color.


I am very sweet and I will reach up at you to say ‘Hi’.


I love to play with the feather toy and climb the trees.


My favorite part of our cat room is the fish tank. I can watch the fish swim around all day.  



I am a Siamese mix 

I was rescued as a feral kitten and took months of hangin out in the corners to develop trust and now I love to be petted but on my own terms because I am cross eyed I spook easy.

Playing in the plants is one of my favorite pass time. I enjoy using them as my bed.

Adoptable cats 

Find all the latest info on adoption and rescue on

Hours of Operation

Closed Monday

Call to Book Tuesday - Thursday

Open Friday-Sunday 10:00am-4:00pm

40 N Arch Avenue

Alliance, Ohio 44601

Call us at (330)929-1071

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